So here it is the story. At the beginning there was only one. Then it comes what we named: the call effect or magnet effect. That means that anyone from anypart of the globe can join you. And that is exactly what happened. I love Greece. And since the beginning I was dying to buy my flight to Athens.
So here are the facts and figures: two mexicans living in Spain and seven spaniards living in London, Milano, Bucarest, Bratislava and Paris. Four cars, two f

But let's start from the very beginning. First: the general strike. It was not a problem for those who woke up early (that was me, but remember me to make a post on taking planes at 6am and how not to lose them) But even with the strike we finally get to our appointment sooner or later and enjoyed the greek taverns and the posh drinks with crudites (just to show that Greece is not that underdevelopped!) Some didn't arrived before 13h to work, others wake up with a good hangover... but what is sure, Eva and JP were great hosts (thanks to his landlord by the way ;)

Anyway it didn't really matter cause our checklist was more than completed and we had good fun. No need to show pictures of the sunset which was absolutely incredible. Just never forget, if you ever get the opportunity, go there to see it, just unforgettable!
Back we had time to have a few more drinks, as if we weren't tired. Some payed the most expensive night in a hotel just sleeping one hour, others nearly missed the ferry because of the change of the hour and the alcohol (ejem ejem) but we made it and we recovered on time to get to Santorini. What happened later is difficult to explain with just a few sentences: our 24h in the island will be difficult to forget. First because we found the most lovely and exclusive place to sleep (¿a swimmingpool in the room? ¿a round bed? ¿computer with wifi, two LCD TVs, a bottle of wine and bathrobes?) In all, more than what a poor and modest intern is used to ;) Second: another unforgettable sunset in the outside jacuzzi, and a party with the students of 5 High Schools on Spring Break. Third: the island. The villages, the roads and the ruins. The tavern on the beach and the fresh fish. The white and the blue.

After this week of holidays I can tell: winter is over!!!
Thanks to everyone and see you soon!
3 comentarios:
Jajaja, al final Ursus va a ser la marca de la beca.
Y puntualizo, becario en Santorini ya, pero de segunda fase y que cuente la experiencia en la isla!!!
Cris! ya veo que no te has olvidado del tzatzíki!jeje...
JP y yo lo hemos pasado muy bien con vosotros, ha sido un placer teneros en casa - creo q el casero ni se ha enterado, así que podemos repetir!!! - jeje... ya sabéis donde tenéis vuestro pisito ;-)
...el dormitorio se me ha quedado demasiado grande par mí sola!...
Bonita entrada y fotos ;-)
Un besazo!
Bonita entrada!
Y también me ha servido para volver a comprobar un hecho curioso acerca de las 3 formas en que siempre salgo en las fotos:
1) Salgo borracho, o
2) Salgo con mi braga al cuello, o
3) No salgo porque estoy por ahí empanao
Besos ma chère!
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