Thursday. A phone call with a friend <…Cris I had thought of visiting you three times this year…!! is it too much..??> (She didn't say that last sentence but I wanna think that she thought it..)
Friday. A call on your cell from a friend of a friend <Cris… can I stay at your place tonight?? All the hostels are fully booked…>
Sunday: Lili sends me a message. She decides to hop into the plane next weekend :)
Nothing more dangerous for your health than the low cost and having an apart in Paris...
So for the moment, fully booked, no more free weekends till next year.
(Having friens is nice.. and stressful! but afterwards it worths it. Thanks for the surprising and funny weekend, hope there will be more like that :)
2 comentarios:
Pero cuando te dijimos q no nos ibas a poder echar de menos y q nos ibas a ver casi mas q en madrid,te pensabas q era mentira o q?A mi me debes un paseo por montmartre aunq no suene don't look back in anger, sera perfecto ;)
Madre mia!!!NO t puedes quejar si al final vas a pensar q sigues x tierras españolas!Bueno asi no t da tpo a echarnos de-!!Y a nosotras ya nos qda poquit xa la visita!!ASiq piensa q quieres q t llevems!!
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