First day of work: The Chief gives to all of us some advice about the work, the place etc. After, he looks into my eyes and says: "we will have to have a talk later..." (should have seen my face...) Then just laughs with the colleagues
Second day of work: my desk looks like that one of the picture. French
Economy doesn't help, their forecast is as bad as mine.

But happy after all!!
2 comentarios:
Guapiiiisima!!!! menudas aventuras te esperan, a tí y a nosotras porque prometo leerte todos los dias, es como si estuvieramos todas ahí,te imaginas? Yo comienzo las clases el lunes y no quiero....
Mil besos.
Cris!! Vaya mesa!!
Recuerda mi frase: nnuca te duermas con la casa arrasada!!!jajaja!!
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